October 23, 2024

Braintree, Essex – 37 year old Coggelshall male arrested

Today Wednesday 20th September 2017 a 37 year old male was arrested after he sent indecent images of himself to who he believed to be a child and continued onto an arranged meeting for sex.

The male arrived at the location and was met by officers from Essex Police, who took him into custody.

He has been released on bail until the 17th October.

Please be aware that this person has been arrested after one or more of our investigators were contacted by them. They thought they were contacting a child under the age of 16. We do not entrap anyone and its the persons choice to meet the person they think is a child. Some cases we are unable to name them straight away due to the CPS requirements. They have been arrested on suspicion, and its down to the CPS to either NFA them or charge them for them to appear in court. If they are charged and the case goes to court, we will publish the entire chat logs, pictures and names of the people involved. If the Police feel they are unlikely to bring  conviction against them, it doesn’t mean they are not guilty, and we will then publish the chat logs for the public to see.

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