October 23, 2024

High Roding, Dunmow,  Essex – David Newell

We have had continued requests to ask what is happening about David Newell from High Roding, Essex.

Newell a single man who lives with his elderly parents and works as an events co-ordinator at a Brentwood hotel is currently the centre of an Esssx Police Child Sexual Exploitation Investigation.

We can confirm that Newell is still under investigation with Essex Police for attempting to meet a a young boy under the age of 16 for sex after grooming them on a gay dating app he was using from his home address.

Newell continued a conversation with more than one of our investigators offering the different boys a ride in his convertible car and trips to his family home when his elderly parents are on holiday.

As your be aware from other investigations, this takes time and as he does not have access to children after social services intervened, he is still allowed to live at the property whilst the investigation continues.

Once we know more, we will let you know.

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