October 23, 2024

High Street, Maldon – Douglas Hutchings transferred to Chelmsford Crown Court

Douglas Hutchings 73, from High Street Maldon was at Chelmsford Magistrates Court today.

Hutchings was released on bail to appear at Chelmsford Magistrates Court today, the case was too serious for them to deal with and it has been transferred to the Crown Court for the 8th November for a plea hearing. Meanwhile he has been released on back on bail.

The pensioner was arrested after one of our investigations at Maldon Promenade Park on the 20th June this year. Hutchins arranged to meet a child for sex, but when he arrived at the agreed location he was met by seven officers from Essex Police who quickly took him into custody.

He will now attend a plea hearing on the 8th November along side another offender that was arrested yesterday for the same offence.

Stephen Youens, 52 of Fiveacres, Harlow. – Ambulance Driver Charged.

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